A Guide for Grandparents

Bring Your Grandkids to Utah Tech!

Top 10 Reasons to Bring your Grandkids to Utah Tech!

  1. You’ll get to spend more time with your grandkids! They could stay with you or live nearby on campus housing.
  2. Save your kids lots of money. UT is one of the most affordable universities in the country!
  3. Your grandkids will get an excellent education with over 125 degrees and programs to chose from!
  4. They can help you with those projects that could benefit from someone young and agile.
  5. You can bring them to your ICL class and prove to your friends that you really do have the smartest and best looking grandkids!
  6. UT has so many events and clubs that will give your grandkids lots of opportunities to make new friends. Click here to see all that’s available: https://campuslife.utahtech.edu
  7. The percentage of UT graduates that land great jobs is remarkable. It’s comforting to have grandkids with good jobs.
  8. There are a number of student resources to ensure each student can achieve success. Click here to review the many on-campus resources:
  9. UT has one of the finest fitness centers in the world! The Health & Human Performance building offers year-round exercise and sports activities!
  10. You will be their hero!

Invite your child to a Blazer Blast for a Campus Tour

UT is hosting a big open house called Blazer Blast for high school juniors and seniors March 24 & 25. Your grandchild will get to spend the night on campus and meet other students who are looking at going to Utah Tech. an entire day of events for your and your parents (Grandparents are of course invited too).

Set Up a Personal Tour

UT will set up individual tours for you, your grandchild, and parents if you like. Go to this site: https://utahtech.edu/campus-tours/

Your Senior High School Grandkids Get an Application Fee Waiver

Utah Tech gave me a code to waive your grandkid’s application fee and save $25 if they decide to apply for admission. The code isĀ ICL23. Just enter that when they are applying and have them send their transcripts. They’ll get admitted as soon as possible.

Take a Virtual tour

Check out Utah Tech’s Virtual Tour!

Information to Send your Grandkids

For your convenience, we’ve created a text message and an email message. Copy the information and paste it in your text (or email message) and send it off. It’s that simple!

Text Message

Email Message

What About Your Younger Grandkids?

Next year, ICL will hose its own UT Grandkids day event and will cater to younger ages along with high school juniors and seniors. It will occur sometime in February 2024. Look forward to hearing about this event next year!


Robert Kramer

ICL Director

Email: robert.kramer@utahtech.edu

Phone: 435-652-7670